Ainara’s online Book Club offers enriching and engaging supplementary materials primarily targeted for grade 4 but suitable for grades 3-6. The texts vary in difficulty, offering a mix of easier and more challenging content, all showcasing a diverse selection of literature from BIPOC authors.
Each book in Ainara’s Book Club is divided into 4-7 modules (depending on the length and complexity of the text), each of which is further divided into four sections: Comprehension, Go Deeper, Get Creative, and Journal. Each of these sections offers an opportunity to connect with the text in a variety of engaging ways. Users are encouraged to navigate sequentially through the modules, exploring content at their own pace. They are directed to read identified sections of the text as they progress.
The first module, titled Introduction, is intended for use before reading the book. It includes:
a televised episode of Anaira’s Bookshelf from TVO Kids generating interest in the book (no spoilers!)
instructions, preview, and pdf files for activities that will run through the modules (journal, creative activity, etc.)
Suggestions for use
Students can engage in Anaira’s online Book Club in several ways.
independent, self-directed novel study
supplementary material to enhance engagement with class novel (class read aloud, independent reading, literature groups)
teacher assigns sections to students to focus on particular components as they read
generate reading anticipation by previewing televised episodes and other materials, which can be selected and used on a pick-and-choose basis
Curriculum Connections
While curriculum expectations vary between Canadian provinces and U.S. states, there are overarching trends in reading and literature curriculum outcomes. The module sections address particular curriculum components as follows:
Reading comprehension
understand the main idea and supporting details of the text
identify and explore literary elements such as characters, setting, and plot
Go Deeper
Literary analysis
identify and explore themes in the story
analyze the author’s use of language and literary devices to enhance the text
Get Creative
Reading comprehension
incorporate literary elements such as characters, setting, and plot
Response to literature
responding to literature in a creative way, including comprehension and connections to the text
Reading comprehension
make predictions and inferences based on the text
Literary analysis
identify and explore themes in the story
describe how characters change and develop through the story
Writing and response to literature
composing responses to literature, including personal reflections and connections to the text
developing writing skills (sentence structure, vocabulary, and organization)